• Cast/Crew Notifications

    Learn how to manage notifications for Cast/Crew through the Cast/Crew Module When you enable notifications for cast/crew, they will start receiving those notifications. All notifications that are production/location related will trigger for all productions/locations unless you have specific productions/locations selected in which case, the notifications will only trigger for those…

  • Production/Location Notifications

    Learn how to set up Production/Location notifications How to enable notifications for productions/locations When productions/locations are selected, non-productions/locations related notifications are disabled. To add non-productions/locations related notifications to notification roles, you can disassociate the productions/locations or create different notification roles and not associate productions/locations with them. Go to the Production menu…

  • Notification Roles

    Learn how to manage notification roles and sites and employees for notification roles When you activate notification roles and have notifications enabled, any associated cast/crew will start receiving those notifications. All notifications that are production/location related will trigger for all productions/locations unless you have specific productions/locations selected in which case,…

  • Notifications Feature (Nov 2024)

    The new notifications feature enables you to customize the notifications your employees receive. If you choose NOT to use the new Notification Feature then the notifications you are currently receiving will remain as is. Summary The new notifications feature enables you to customize the notifications your cast/crew receive. You can…

  • After Hours Notifications

    If a user is still signed into a Project/Site after the Project/Site’s closing time, they will receive an automatic After-Hours notification from SetConnect advising them to sign out. How to turn After Hours Notifications off and on To enable After-Hours notifications go to the Production/Location Tab and select the relevant Production/Location by…

  • How to access the Help Centre via the SetConnect Mobile App

    Please watch the following video on how to access the Help Centre via the SetConnect Mobile App (0.58) For any SetConnect issues or questions, please contact our support team by email at: support@setconnect.io

  • How to use the SetConnect Mobile App

    Learn how to use the SetConnect Mobile App by watching the below video (5.46) For any SetConnect issues or questions please contact us at: support@setconnect.io

  • How to complete tasks via the Web Portal

    Learn how to complete tasks assigned to you via the Web Portal How to Access your Tasks To complete tasks via the Set Connect Web Portal log into the Web Portal and click on the Profile button in the top right-hand corner of the black bar and then click on My tasks. A list of…

  • Incomplete Task Summary Notifications

    Users will receive an automatic weekly summary email detailing the incomplete tasks that they currently have within their Set Connect account. If a user has one or more outstanding tasks that they have been assigned within Set Connect, an email will be automatically sent to them every week detailing all…

  • How to Update Apps on Your iPhone Manually

    You can update the apps on your iPhone whenever you want by hopping over to the App Store: Alternatively, you can search for an app on the App Store. If it has a pending update, an Update button should show up alongside it. That’s ideal when you want to get an individual…