You can make someone your main contact person and they will receive reminders and/or notifications for Pre-qualifications and Account Inductions
When you make someone your main contact their name and email address will display on email notifications to contractors and employees in relation to pre-qualifications and Account inductions. This person will also receive the reminder pre-qual notifications and when an Account Induction has been completed.
If you want your Account Admins to receive these notifications and reminders then do NOT select a main contact person
To select the main contact person go to the ‘cog wheel’ on the right-hand side in the black bar and then click on ‘company details’. Then click on the ‘main contact’ button in the bottom left-hand corner.

A list of Cast/Crew will display. Click on ‘select’ next to the name of the cast/crew member you want to make your ‘main contact’.
You can only select one ‘main contact’ person.

Once you have selected the person you want to be your ‘main contact’ click on ‘SAVE’.

Follow the same process, as above, to change your ‘main contact’ person.
For any SetConnect issues or questions please contact us at: