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  3. How to manage Safety Observations.

How to manage Safety Observations.

In the article you will learn how to manage Safety Observations in the SetConnect web portal.

The list of reported Safety Observations

You can open the list of reported Safety Observations by clicking on the Safety Observations tab in the Main Menu

This list will show you all reported Safety Observations that are not archived. You can filter this list entering a search term or clicking on the dropdown menus for categories, types, priorities, statuses and ratings. 

You can also export Safety Observations into to CSV and PDF formats by clicking on the List Menu at the top of the list.

Creating/Updating a Safety Observation

To create a new Safety Observation, click on the + New Safety Observation button. To update an existing Safety Observation, click on the Edit button of the relevant Safety Observation. 

When creating a new or updating an existing Safety Observation, you will be presented with a popup dialog box where you can select and enter the details of the safety observation.

Safety Observations can also be reported through the SetConnect Mobile App by users out in the field.  Any newly reported safety observations will show in the list of Safety Observations flashing as Open in red.

The following categories are available:

  • Safety Mentions
  • Opportunities for Improvements
  • Critical Items
  • Safe Act
  • Unsafe Act
  • Unsafe Condition
  • Safety Rule Violation

The following types are available:

  • Accessibility
  • Work Environment
  • Tidiness / Cleanliness
  • Lighting
  • Fire Safety Equipment and Procedures
  • General Equipment
  • Electrical Hazard
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Storage / Containment
  • Other

The following priorities are available:

  • Not Applicable
  • Very Low
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Critical

The following statuses are available:

  • Open
  • Review in Progress
  • Closed: No Action
  • Closed: With Action
  • Archived

You can rate the Safety Observation from 1-5 represented as:

  1. Very Bad
  2. Bad
  3. Neutral
  4. Good
  5. Very Good

You can enter the details of the Safety Observation in the description field. If any actions were taken, they can be entered in the Action Taken field. 

All Safety Observations must be associated with a production/location. Click on the Select Production/Location button to associate the Safety Observation with the selected production.

You can also optionally associate the Safety Observation with departments/contractors or cast/crew in your connected network. Click on the Select Departments/Contractors or Select Users buttons to make your selection.

You can also upload files with your Safety Observation. Click the Browse Files button to open the file selector (for new Safety Observations) or file manager for existing Safety Observations.

Select Reporter – if someone else has reported the safety observation to you, you can select them as the Reporter.  If no reporter is selected then the person who logged the safety observation will be recorded as the Reporter.

If you click the Save & Close button, the Safety Observation will be reported and the dialog will close. If you click on the Save & Continue button, the dialog will close and another dialog will open where you can manage the Safety Observation. 

Managing a Safety Observation

Click on View to see all this information related to this Safety Observation.

When managing a Safety Observation, you will be presented with a dialog box that has multiple tabs in it:

  • Safety Observation
  • Files
  • Corrective Actions
  • Hazards
  • Departments/Contractors
  • Users
  • Messages (can only be seen when clicking the right arrow on top of the view screen)


The Files tab is where you can manage documents and pictures for the Safety Observation. Click on the Manage Files button to view, copy the URL or delete the file.

To add a new file, click on the Browse Files button to select files from your device. 

Corrective Actions

The corrective actions tab allows you to add any corrective actions that may relate to the Safety Observation. You can filter the corrective actions by entering a search term or selecting the relevant priority or completion status. Click the Add Corrective Action button to add a new corrective action.

The corrective actions will be pre-populated with information from the Safety Observation.  You can edit/remove this information or add additional information.  You can set a due date, a priority level and upload documents/pictures.

Once the corrective action is saved it will create a task within the Task tab in the Main menu.

From here you can view, edit and delete the task.  You can also mark the task as complete by toggling the Open button to Complete.

In the Safety Observation dialog box you will be able to edit the Corrective Action and filter on priorities and incomplete/completed safety observations.

You cannot close a corrective action from the Safety Observation Dialog box. You must go to the Task tab to close the corrective action

Hazards & Risks

The Hazards & Risks tab will allow you to create a new hazard/risk for the associated production for the Safety Observation. You can filter the hazards by entering a search term or by selecting a status from the status dropdown. When you create a new hazard, the hazard form will be pre-populated with details from the Safety Observation which you can complete.


Click here to learn how to manage your account hazard templates.


The Departments/Contractors tab allows you to select and associate contractors with the Safety Observation. Click the manage departments/contractors button to select and deselect departments or contractors that are associated with your account. The selected departments or contractors will be associated with the Safety Observation. You can send messages to any of the listed departments/contractors by clicking on the Send Message button.

Select the departments/contractors that you want to associate with the Safety Observation and click on the Select button.

Click here to learn more about managing your list of departments/contractors for your account.


The Users tab allows you to select and associate users with the Safety Observation. Click the Manage Users button to select and deselect users that are in your connected network. The selected users will be associated with the Safety Observation. You can send messages to any of the listed users by clicking on the Send Message button. 

Select the users that you want to associate with the Safety Observation and click on the Select button.


The Messages tab allows you to send messages that will relate to the Safety Observation that you have open. You can filter the messages list by entering a search term or by selecting a message type, status or priority from the relevant dropdown filters. Click the New Message button to compose a new message from the Safety Observations feature.

When the message composer is opened from the Safety Observations feature, either from the departments/contractorsusers or messages list, the message composer will be pre-populated with details from the Safety Observation. 

If you need any further help or have any questions please contact the support team by email setconnectsupport@lucidty.io

Updated on July 30, 2024
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